Sonntag, 22. Mai 2022

Dvinine Gate - Arthur is stabbing Santa / Lancelot


I somehow didn't manage to get the two gifs into one post. So I had to take my blog.
Do not be surprised. The blog is of course German. Hence the DE at the end of the web
To get back to the actual topic...
I find it fascinating to watch how Arthur behaves in both situations. 
Of course he is controlled by Loki.
But while in the situation with Santa he seems more like a puppet, 
pointing his sword squarely at his friend, with Lancelot he seems to be taking his time.
He smiles, swinging his sword a little more before ramming it into his stomach.
And I think that's a thousand times scarier than attacking Santa. When Santa is attacked,
he looks downright tortured.
But in the situation I feel sorry for both of them and I hope they will survive.

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